I've waited to state any opinion on the situation in Ferguson because it's really sad, and a very touchy subject.
One thing is for sure, violence is never the answer. To those who believed that the young man shot was innocent, the very thing you are protesting, is the very same act you're now committing. To those who believe that the shooting was justified, you can't go around just shooting people to be shooting people. Regardless, everyone has an opinion on the matter, and you have a right to that opinion.
We live in a country that has a judicial system that takes an extreme amount of time to work properly. I think part of the reason that it takes so long to work is because there's so many foolish lawsuits that backlog the system, therefore it runs extremely slow. But, another part of that reason is that there MUST be a thorough investigation of the events so that justice can be served properly. The most important part of justice, is that it is given in a fair manner. The only way to do that is with an intense investigation into the events of that matter.
I realize that many people believe that the officer shot without cause, and if that's the case, the investigation will prove that, and no doubt justice on that officer will be served. It's 2014 and there have been sufficient cases to prove that no one is above that law. Even those in law enforcement that make bad choices, face the same consequences as everyone else.
I also realize that there are many who believe that the shooting was justified, and if that's the case, the investigation will prove that. But, no matter what, the activities going on in Ferguson should make every American citizen sad, not angry.
It's so sad because this event has proven that there is still a strong racial divide in this country, and for the life of me, I just don't understand it. I believe that every person is created equal and should be treated as such. But, when we start "grouping" people together based on race, sex, religion, career field, etc., we set up barriers that divide us. Now, many people have an extreme problem with law enforcement because of this event, and now they are not able to properly perform their duties, and it results in lawlessness. Many people now have a problem with race, and it's evidenced in many of the responses I've seen on social media. And the biggest problem in Ferguson now, is that these two "groups" have been divided against each other, and nothing can be accomplished with such great division.
If we were to quit "grouping" people together, and embrace everyone, we would be much farther ahead. It doesn't mean that we agree or that we even share the same beliefs, but it means that we choose not to be a divided nation. The officer who fired the shot is on leave, which is standard policy in any law enforcement use of force, so, that person, not group, is awaiting the results of an independent investigation. The community who has felt such a lose, wants answers, and those answers are in the work, but it takes time. I would hope that any family, friends, or community that suffers a lose as the community of Ferguson did, would demand answers. Especially if there is evidence that will show that it was not a proper use of force. We must be patient though.
I want to know exactly what happened that day that cost a young man his life. I don't care if he was white, black, tan, albino, purple, yellow, polka dot, etc., I want to know if there was cause to use this type of force. If there wasn't, I fully expect our judicial system to render justice to him for the crime he committed. If the evidence shows that this type of force was warranted, I want this officer to be able to move on with his life and continue performing the duties he swore an oath to uphold.
But, with all the division, no one can do any of that, and at the end of the day, regardless of anything, a family lost their loved one suddenly. They are grieving, as any family would do. The sting of death isn't different for one race or the other. It isn't any different for any religion or another. When someone we love, regardless of imperfections, because we all have them, it hurts. And I've learned through the years that people who hurt, hurt people. It's a common human response.
If I were the family of the young man, I would not want his life to be remembered with the events that are going on in Ferguson right now. I would choose to remember the good parts of his life, which from what I've read, there were many. Those protesting with riots, fighting, looting, illegal activities, shame on you. Do you sincerely think this is what he would want his life to be remembered by? Why not advocate for some kind of youth organization that will leave a positive impact on the community you live in, which will in turn, eternally memorialize this young mans life?
Now that all this division has been brought into the equation, every mistake that this young man made in his life will be on display for the world to see. And I'm not condemning him, because as previously stated, we have all made mistakes in our life that we aren't proud of. The good of his life will be forgotten because of how society has reacted to this death.
How sad to think that a person who was loved so much will be remembered by what the world has witnessed in August 2014.
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