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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Our country

It's been a while since I've gotten on my soapbox about anything, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to hop up there for a minute. 

Today, my family had to place my grandparents in a nursing home.  I went to visit them tonight, the first time I had been there today, and left in tears.  So, some of my frustration is probably directly related to that. 

Let me just mention a few things that I'm irritated by lately.  First of all, I'd like to tell most of the media outlets to shut up.  They have brainwashed this country with their inundation and perception of events, and the sad part is that we as American people just take what they say as the truth.  We don't do any type of personal research, studying, etc.  We just take what we're told as the truth and that's why many in this country have no clue as to what is going on.

I'm also irritated at our government.  We have people who have fought, bled, sacrificed, and given all to protect the freedoms of this great nation.  Yet, when they ask for any kind of assistance from this government they have fought to protect, they are sent through a maze like mice.  My grandfather retired from the military after 27 years of service.  He served overseas for many of those years, leaving my grandmother here in the U.S. to try and raise two kids on her own, provide for them, work to make ends meet.  But, when they need help, our Veterans Administration says it'll be well over a year before anything can be done.  Yet, on Saturday, a rodeo clown put on an Obama mask, and within hours, politicians, elected officials, fair officials, etc. are all making sure that someone is held responsible.  And this is all over a stupid skit, that honestly I couldn't care less about.  I know some will argue different merits about the skit and all that, yet I can still say, I DON'T CARE.  What I do care about are all the people who suffer because of the extreme lack of concern our government has for its citizens. 

This has nothing to do with republicans, democrats, liberals, conservatives, it has to do with humanity.  There are untold thousands of elderly people who have nothing because our government can't act quick enough.  But, when it's something that gets their name out there, like calling for someone's resignation at the state fair, or to point out another politicians moral failures, things can happen in hours.  Shame on our elected officials and our government for their lack of regard for the citizens of the United States.

President Obama, V.P. Biden, Senator Blunt, Senator McCaskill, Gov. Nixon, you people need to get your priorities straight and start working FOR the people of this country, not simply pocketing your pay checks and moving down the road to retirement, where you still draw a hefty retirement. 

Citizens of this country, get on your phone, email, and contact these officials and let them know that we are tired of being second class citizens to politics.  When politics are a higher priority than the citizens of the country, there is a major crisis, which we are witnessing today. 

I'm ready for America to regain its strength as a nation.  We are so divided and with division like this, we will never move forward.  The division is not limited simply to politics either.  There are racial divisions, religious divisions, economic divisions and until we bridge the gap that the media, government, and politics have created, we will never be a UNITED nation. 

I don't care if you are man or woman, black, white, latino, bi racial, born in this country or not; I don't care if you are straight or gay; I don't care if you're protestant, catholic, agnostic, or atheist; this is America.  We are all different, and we will never all be the same, that's what makes the world so great is that we do have differences.  But, when we allow these differences to divide us, as they do right now, they are no longer just differences, they're divisive measures that do not allow us to be UNITED.

Instead of saying, "let's get back to what we used to be", let's move forward and be greater than we've ever been.