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Friday, February 3, 2012


Hey everyone,  I just needed to make a quick note here about my last post that it has/had absolutely nothing to do with the terrible situation surrounding Baby Aria.  I blogged about that because, number one, it's something I struggle with a great deal, but number two, I had a situation come up earlier in the week that caused someone to judge me about something they knew nothing about. 

I would never ever minimize or try to defend the actions of any person/persons other than myself, if they were defendable.  I believe that justice comes to us all, not always in an immediate way, but we all pay consequences for our actions and I believe that that is a part of life.  When I make mistakes, I have to pay the consequences for those mistakes and live with the punishments.

It's unfortunate that in some situations, the things that we do effect so many other innocent people.  I'm reminded of King David, when he committed adultery with Bathsheeba.  He tried to lie his way out of the sin and it ended up costing another man his life, a child its life, and it was all because of David's actions.  It's sad that people can do things that harm so many others, but I'm glad that there are laws in place to help protect the innocent and to serve justice to those who are guilty.

Again, I just really felt like I needed to clarify this and I apologize if anyone read something into it that wasn't there.  My blog is just that, mine, and 99.9 percent of the things I blog about, such as the past post, are things that I'm going through at the time and hope that I can give an insight for other people who might be facing the same thing.

My thoughts and prayers are with Baby Aria, and I thank God for the miracle He has given her, and all of her family. 

1 comment:

  1. Willie, I loved your post on judgement. I too did not know about Baby Aria. But I agree that we all have to answer to God for all of our actions...AND thoughts. So as many are pre-judging thinking that they have all the information about something they need to remember what Jesus had to say when he was asked to pronounce judgement on the person before him who was about to be stoned. When Jesus said that he who is without sin cast the first stone. Then he looked up and asked where this womans accusers were and with his admonation to sin no more he dismissed the woman/sinner. We all sin, make mistakes, I'm broken in the eyes of God, I have sinned and will sadly sin again in the future. But I know that Jesus has forgiven my sin and askes me to do better. He asks all of us to do better...not perfect but better. And by the Grace of God my sins are forgiven. BY THE GRACE OF GOD WE WILL BE FORGIVEN IF WE SINCERLY COME TO GOD AND ASK FOR FORGIVNESS. If God can forgive us our sins why, why can't we forgive each other's sins! That is how I see it, that is how I believe it! Bless you Willie Harlow you are a good man and a good friend. "Be Calm and Carry On!"
